Today I got to behold the greatness of THE BOSS as well as all of my other climbing holds, but most importantly I was at my parents to meet the UPS guy when he arrived to the house with my package. I was so excited about the arrival of my new hold/feature that I couldn't even wait to meet him halfway, he got about 20 feet away from his truck before I was right there arms held out to accept my glorious package.
Now to praise the people over at Pusher who packaged and made the hold. The hold was packed with great care, not only was it comfortable packed in the box with plenty of packaging paper it also had foam wrapped around its corners and front, those were taped down, and it was then wrapped in several layers of plastic wrap. I was very pleased with the care that the people over at Pusher put into the packaging, and also a large thank you to them for the great communication on their part.
The Boss that I got was a second from Pusher, if you like them on
facebook then you will see that every so often they will have seconds for sale and the best part about that is that you actually know what you are getting as opposed to buying a bunch of seconds in bulk so this way you can get your favorite holds for a lower cost, for those of us that our penny pinchers out there. Honestly this is probably the hold I will be training/using for most of my routes, considering that slopers take much more precise placement than most other holds you can expect that this hold will be all over my wall.
A caution to those of you that have literally just gotten the hold, you've just unwrapped it out of the plastic and you are beholding its glory, do not try and lip it to pick it up, as in don't try and grab it with one hand by the hollow backside, the hollow inside is very slick and on top of that there seems to be left over release or something of that manner in the back and it makes it essentially gripless. I almost made that mistake and came far too close to dropping my brand new baby straight onto the concrete, so I thought it would be fair to warn all of you lucky individuals who have just purchased The Boss.
The only suggestion of change that I have to this wonderful classic hold is that it needs a screw hole on the bottom of the bold it has two on the top, but if you flip it over then it wants to pull away from the wall purely because it is just such a big hold. I will probably drill a screw hole in the bottom, but because of how new and amazing it is I just cant bring myself to do it yet.
Thankfully before The Boss arrived I had a chance to get a good look at all of my other holds that had arrived the day before. I am very pleased with my choice in climbing holds and very pleased with the quality of all of my new holds.

When I bought these holds a lot of what I was thinking was "How close to real rock will these holds be?" So that is exactly what I bought my holds thinking. The holds with the most texture were by far the Project Landslides (they are the black ones in the middle.) The set of holds that I was the most pleased with was the set of XS Halos by Climbing Holds, they look a little . . . playful?? with the circles on them, but the granite texturing on them is great, the price incredible, and there are 10 of them. They are the top row of green holds and the last green one on the right side. Some of them would work much better as feet on overhangs but others would work well on a 90 degree wall as a really intense sloping pinch/crimp. Overall my favorite set of climbing holds was . . . . . . . . the Ergo set by Etch. They are the very bottom two large green holds and the three large green holds starting on the left. They are all very positive jugs and they are at an incredible price of $29! Currently I have them on my steepest overhang, which hangs at about 30 degrees and if placed correctly I think they could even have a comfy place on the roof once it is completed.
Overall, the last two days have been Happy Days, I will be reviewing some climbing shoes, holds, chalk bags, and the occasional pad before too long be sure to keep an eye out all of the climbing holds were bought from the
Climbing Holds website so check them out they are nice people.