Tuesday, March 13, 2012

More and more holds

So yesterday I got in my order of climbing holds from Lynnette over at Vision climbing holds, and I must say that this is the most solid mix of urethane I have ever climbed on.  You get holds that you move your hands over them, tap them, and feel them and just know "I have to be careful about tossing these holds in the box."  The holds that I got from Vision I felt like I could throw them against a wall and worst case scenario is that I would have a divot in my wall and a dent/flat spot on the edge of my climbing hold.  To make things better the grip is pretty incredible its not like the more brittle plastic feeling holds that have really intense grip, but its a more gentle grip but at the same time still possible to get a great hold with your fingers.

Last night when my holds arrived the holds that I was the most excited about were the holds from the Crimpfest set, and I must say that these little crimpers were intense, with the sensation of real granite on the edges they were nothing short of my idea of the perfect crimps.  Some of them are incut and others are flat.  I knew last night that an awesome route would be set with the holds before I hit the bed and it was done.  I have about a 30-35 degree wall in my room that I set the crimps on and some of the crimps are only a third of a pad up to a half or three-fourths of a pad and they are awesome on that wall on that wall. I think that right now my Vision holds are right up there on my favorites with my holds from Pusher and that is saying a lot.

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